Benefits and Risks of Online Banking:
Buckholts State Bank Online Banking offers you an alternative electronic channel where you can manage your bank accounts and perform banking transactions over the Internet. Online Banking is available to all Buckholts State Bank customers.
With Buckholts State Bank Online Banking you will be able to inquire on your account balances, transfer funds, view your transaction history, and link to our online bill pay.
Online Banking offers you 24-hour access to your accounts every day. It is quick and convenient, allowing you to perform your transactions anywhere, anytime and from any computer with access to the Internet.
The Internet is a wide area network of computers connected around the world to facilitate data transmission and exchange. Due to the open nature of the Internet, all web-based services such as BSB's Online Banking are inherently subject to risks such as online theft of your Access Code/User ID/Username, PIN/Password, virus attacks, hacking, unauthorized access and fraudulent transactions.
On Buckholts State Bank's Online Banking you must enter your own Customer ID or Login Name and confidential Online Banking Password every time you access the system. You must ensure that your password is known ONLY to you. You should change your password regularly and ensure that it is a combination of letters and numbers, and difficult for people to guess.
While your Bank has put in place the necessary security practices and measures to safeguard against these risks, the Bank is unable to guarantee the complete security of your transactions against any attacks.
As an Online Banking customer, you play an important role in protecting your account information.
Never access your Online Banking accounts through hyperlinks in e-mails, pop-up windows, or search engines.
Be Aware of unexpected hoax and scam e-mails with attachments and be aware of suspicious web sites.
Always access your account by typing the web address in the address bar of the browser or by selecting the bookmark for the genuine website.
Install personal firewall and anti-virus software and regularly update them.
Never leave your computer unattended while logged on to Online Banking.
Always log out of your accounts after you have finished your banking session.
Never give out your password.
Do Not use your date of birth, phone number, address, your name or name of a friend/pet/relative in your password.
Change your password regularly- every two months preferably.
Do Not use your online banking password for anything else (ex. Email)
Always be cautious when using computers in a public place. Do not leave screen idle for long periods or leave the computer unattended.
If you wish to make a change to your login or accounts, please contact us. Username and password information may be deleted upon request. Information such as your usage history, account information, and banking activity will be retained in compliance with regulatory guidelines.